Decision-making| Definition of Decision-making

The decision-making process must be based on a wide base of specialized and accurate information, in order for it to be taken, Making the decision must be based on adequate information, and there are cases in which the decision must be taken quickly, and this requires the presence of prior information ready such as these surprising situations.


Making the decision  process is considered an essential component in the management of organizations and institutions in the community in the various fields of life, and it is at the forefront of modern approaches in management studies. The matter requires keeping abreast of changes, developments and modernization in the decision process, with its methods, approaches, and tools. It also requires a continuous and comprehensive evaluation of aspects of this process.


In order for the decision to be effective, it must have an appropriate environment and appropriate behaviors by administrative leaders and individuals alike, and information, data, devices and means must be available for it to be able to deal with information accurately, at the right time and with the appropriate speed.


Definition of Making decision 

Making the decision is defined as: “The perceived choice between the alternatives available in a particular situation, or it is the process of differentiation between alternative solutions to confront a specific problem and choosing the best solution from among them.


He was defined as: “choosing and ruling or giving precedence to one side over another.” Or it is: “Standing on a certain opinion that the person who makes it can implement”.


It appears that the concept of decision includes:

  • That there is more than one alternative available for a particular situation, and that the person is obligated to choose between them.
  • That the person consciously chooses among the alternatives available to face the situation, so decisions are intentional and emotional, as they cannot be spontaneous.

As for concept of decision-making, it includes:

  • One of the administrative processes.
  • It will be attended by the largest possible number of individuals of the relevant party.
  • Solutions to the existing problem are developed, and these solutions must meet the following conditions:

– Be from the events of the past.

– It expresses the trends prevailing in the work environment.

– Be suitable to the current conditions and conditions.

– Be able to remain in the future and for an acceptable period of time.

Definition of Making the decision

Difference between Making decision and Decision making 

The term decision process is used to denote the process of decision-making and taking it together, as the literature shows that it is a single process with stages and integrated sub-steps that end with decision-making or decision-making and follow-up of its implementation.


Some administrators differentiate between the two decision-making and decision-making processes, as follows:


A- Making decision process:

The decision-making process contains more than one stage or step to reach a specific decision, as it is not a stage of decision formation, but rather a process that releases all the stages that the decision goes through from defining the problem to solving it and addressing it. 


The decision-making process is a broad process that includes more than one procedure or procedure. This means the participation of the largest possible number of relevant departments in most or some of the decision-making stages, in order to reach more accurate and comprehensive information on the subject of the problem.


The concept of a decision-making process involves multiple factors, psychological, economic, social, and cultural. It also includes unspecified circumstances, which are those that are likely to be expected in the mind of the decision maker.


B-decision-making process:

The decision-making process is the general part of decision-making and one of its main functions, and it is not a substitute for decision-making. The decision-making stage is expressed as a summary of the information and ideas that decision-makers arrive at about the problem, and the manner in which it can be solved and addressed. 


As for the decision-making process, it is a dynamic process that includes in its various stages multiple interactions starting from the design stage and ending with the decision-making stage. At each stage, there is a careful and careful selection of one of the alternatives from the proposed set of alternatives.


Accordingly, we believe that the decision is a mental process that requires a great deal of imagination and initiative, with which one can choose available alternatives that achieve the goal in the shortest time and at the lowest possible cost. 

Decision-making is a process of choosing between a number of alternatives and possibilities for achieving certain goals. 


Whereas, decision-making is a process in which the existing problem is analyzed, alternatives or possible solutions are identified and evaluated to choose the most appropriate alternative to the conditions of the work environment and then choose the optimal solution or alternative that helps in improving the production of the enterprise.


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