Depression and sleep problems

Depression and sleep problems are inextricably related. People who suffer from insomnia, for example, may be ten times more likely to develop depression than those who get a decent night’s sleep. In addition, 75% of persons with depression have problems falling or staying asleep.


Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? “Either one can be the beginning point,” says Patrick H. Finan, a sleep researcher at Johns Hopkins University. “Lack of sleep can lead to problems managing emotions, which can make you more sensitive to depression in the future—months or even years.” 


And depression is linked to sleep problems, including a reduction in the quantity of restorative slow-wave sleep a person experiences each night.”


If you have depression, daily concerns like financial worries, a squabble with your spouse, or a crowded evening commute may cause more nocturnal wake-ups and difficulty falling back asleep than someone who does not have depression.


If you’re suffering from both sleeplessness and depression, knowing the connection between the two can help you detect dangers early, seek the care you need, and recover more quickly. 


You’ll feel better, more rested, and ready to enjoy life once more. Here’s everything you need to know about Depression and sleep problems:


What Is the Importance of Sleep?

Normal sleep is a rejuvenating experience. When sleep is disrupted or insufficient, however, tension, attentiveness, and irritability might increase.


Sleep difficulties can be caused by physical or emotional trauma, as well as metabolic or other medical issues. Fatigue can be caused by a lack of sleep. You exercise less when you’re tired, and your fitness level suffers as a result. 


You eventually fall into a vicious cycle of inactivity and disrupted sleep, which results in physical and mental complaints.


Take your sleep issues seriously.

If you have difficulties falling or staying asleep, or if you are fatigued during the day, you should tell your doctor.


experience physical pain, discomfort, or other symptoms that prevent you from having a good night’s sleep (for example, indicators of obstructive sleep apnea or pauses in breathing at night)


Treatments for insomnia and apnea, such as cognitive behavioural therapy and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices, can help you get back to sleep and avoid disorders like depression. (Sleep apnea patients have a fivefold increased risk of depression.)


Be on the lookout for indicators of depression.

Feeling hopeless, powerless, or unhappy; difficulty concentrating and remembering things; loss of energy; daytime sleepiness; loss of interest in formerly pleasurable activities; or suicidal or death thoughts. 


If you have any of these symptoms, tell your doctor.


This is especially crucial if you’re talking to your doctor about insomnia. “Insomnia can be a symptom of depression or it can be a different disorder,” Finan argues. 


“In order to address the proper problem, your doctor has to know as much as possible.”


Seek treatment for both Depression and sleep problems.

Don’t think that treating one will instantly cure the other if you have sleeplessness and sadness. 


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other antidepressant drugs may improve your mood and outlook, but they may not be enough to enhance your sleep.


There is some evidence that persistent sleep issues in persons who are receiving depression treatment increase the chance of relapse. 


The good news is that there’s some preliminary evidence that combining CBT-I (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia) with depression treatment improves sleep in patients with depression and may boost the likelihood of remission.


What Are the Treatments for Depression and Sleep problems?

Treatment for depression is determined on the severity of the condition. Psychotherapy (talk therapy or counselling) paired with antidepressants, for example, is quite effective in treating depression. 


Antidepressants help improve coping skills and change negative attitudes and beliefs caused by depression, whereas psychotherapy helps enhance coping skills and change negative attitudes and beliefs caused by depression. 


Talk therapy also focuses on coping methods to assist you in falling asleep faster.


Read Also: How Insomnia Is Created by Fear of Insomnia?

Read Also: Insomnia: Symptom or Disorder?