Getting over a relationship, How?

Getting over a relationship is never easy, and it can be more difficult if there is still shared love, but only because feeling a frozen heart may resemble the end of the world, the good news is that the pain will not last forever, and it certainly will not stop you from Falling in love again.


According to research published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, it may take 11 weeks to feel better after a relationship ends, but a separate study found that it could take more than 18 months to heal from the end of a marriage.Experts say that love is a chaotic emotion, and every relationship comes with its memories and feelings, so the getting over a relationship is a unique experience, and there is no specific time limit for healing, and you are exposed to common factors, 


whether shared experiences and memories .. and whether you have children or have been betrayed, but Like any other wound, the heart heals with time, self-care, and a positive outlook, according to relationship expert Ammada Major, there are four steps that will help you getting over a relationship:


1- Take some time to grieve your loss:

For some, losing an important person because of a breakup can be as painful as if he died. From seeing the person you love or talking to him every day because there is no contact with him, it can seem impossible to imagine your life without this, it is essential to come to terms with this. 


The new reality and acceptance of it, before you can move forward, while it may seem attractive to make rapid progress during this period of grief by remaining preoccupied with other things and other people, the truth is that the end of the relationship requires a period of grief, as we process what happened This is a period during which those suffering from heartbreak can leave their feelings on their own, and during this period you may learn a thing or two about yourself and what you want from a future relationship.


2- Reconnect with yourself:

Most times, the primary focus of a relationship is “we” rather than “me” or “you.” Yet the end of a relationship offers an opportunity to take stock of one’s place in life, and finally do something for oneself. 


Although this may sound cliché, the end of the relationship allows you to reconnect with yourself, and this may mean taking up a new hobby or reuniting with friends… Taking advantage of the time to do things that make you feel good, such as seeing family, or finding new talent, or going on vacation, can all help boost your mood after a breakup.


3- Don’t be afraid to ask for help:

If the end of your relationship comes as a trauma, then it is natural to feel rejected or question your self-worth, but if your partner has made it clear that he no longer wants a relationship with you, and that there is no chance for reconciliation, accept what he is saying and focus on yourself, just because the partner has ended the relationship. 


It doesn’t mean that you are unlovable, or unworthy of love, and instead of focusing on what you did wrong, focus on what you can do to make yourself feel better in the moment.


Talking helps too – but just make sure you set boundaries with your friends and family about how you feel for discussion. Talking about your emotions can be very helpful, and it is often helpful to listen to a different point of view.


4- Time heals everything:

You may not realize it at the moment, but as time passes, feelings of hurt and betrayal will decrease, reminding of a painful relationship will not be, whether it is months or a year from now, thinking about that person will not lead to the same feeling of sadness and hurt.


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