My boyfriend is boring What should I do? Friendships are notorious for becoming stuck in a rut and boring especially adult friendships. Adult friendships generally have many challenges and can lack fun and excitement as a lack of ideas about what to do.
Incorporate money worries, life responsibilities, and limited free time, and things get complicated. This can leave you wondering where to find friends as an adult.
When you reach your mid-20s and beyond, drinking nightly may seem like a good idea, but you wind up spending too much money, consuming calories, and making poor decisions. Even constant meals out become tedious, calorific, and expensive. It’d help if you can convince them to start dating first. (Why do my friends disappoint me so often?)
What if I told you I know the solution to enhancing your friendships?
The friendship life list needs to be tailored to the person/friendship group to mix things up, inject fun into the friendship, achieve things together, create things to look forward to, and the result?
You won’t be bored on a friendship meet-up again! The truth is not that your friends are boring… it’s that you don’t put enough effort into crafting a fun get-together.
My boyfriend is boring What should I do? 5 Simple Steps
Download Wunderlist
I found this app when I was looking for an app to share a list with a friend so that both of us could edit and add to it. Wunderlist allows you to create lists that you can share with others, set changes, add images, and add comments.
Don’t overthink the solution and start putting things in place right away.
It is okay to jot down notes on your blog… you never know what you might feel like writing about later. Once you start, you’ll be inspired to write more and the ideas will flow.
Add a range of ideas to suit different budgets
Be sure to include both little things for a rainy day and life-changing events to look forward to. Be sure to include a variety of ideas so there is no reason not to choose something from the list.
Remember: there is no time limit
The list does not end. It is made up of ideas that remain up to date as your friend does. Feel free to add more ideas to it in the future.
Be adventurous
Let’s do things we’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the time for; this is a great way to meet new people.
A list might just motivate boring friends instead of boring friends, re-igniting the friendship flame. Now, whenever you are planning to spend time together, you can simply consult it. You will always have fun together and have things to look forward to. Your friendship will bloom like never before.
If you’re interested in how to make new friends here are 5 simple steps.
Step 1: Make eye contact and start conversations
It may take a little time to adjust to this, at first, but it will become habitual, so start talking to everyone you meet. That includes those you see for the first time at the supermarket or those you are offered help from.
Step 2: Ask people to hang out
Make the first move. Ask your colleague to go for a walk during lunchtime, ask the mom you meet at the playground about a cup of coffee, or ask the lovely lady you met recently to catch up. Although it might seem scary at first, asking will make her day.
Step 3: Sign up
Join the club, startup that blog, have more nights out, exercise more. If you are always having fun, you will meet new friends, and you’ll potentially make new friends with them.
Step 4: Be open-minded
If you wish to make more friends you should be open-minded about where you might find them and who they would be. You can have an idea of the types of people you want in your life and you appear more attractive to them, but you should not be restrictive.
Be open to meeting new types of people, people who are distinct from your friends and you. You will probably find these people interesting and engaging.
Step 5: Leave earlier
Making friends is an unpredictable process on which you can never predict who you’ll meet or when you’ll meet the person, so you need to make sure you have enough time before the opportunity arises.
If you are rushing around late and stressed you won’t meet anyone even though potential friends are all around you. However, if you move about your day calmly, organized, happy and relaxed you’ll have more time to notice potential friends around you and opportunities to make new friends.
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