No matter if your personality is weak, strong, or in need of some development, we will help you understand the techniques that may enable you to quickly Personal strengthening and develop yourself!
Whether you need a guide to strengthening personality at work, personal strengthening for children, or in general, we have provided you in this article your complete guide to personal strengthening, read on to know more!
From the first days of mankind, the features of his personality begin to form, so that each of us grows up as a person with a different and distinct personality, and regardless of our personality styles and behaviors, we all share a desire to strengthen the personality and develop the self.
Between personal strengthening and self-confidence, a close relationship that makes its owner more love for himself and the world around him!
What is Personal strengthening?
Are you a strong personality? You can know this if you know the general characteristics of a strong personality! This is summarized by the ability to:
- Control your emotions and instincts and resist temptations.
- Seeing things from a neutral perspective.
- Give others love, support, tolerance, respect and listen to others.
- Pick the right relationships.
- Self-understanding, psychological balance, and a vision for the future.
- A high sense of responsibility and positive attitudes.
Personal strengthening for children
There is a famous saying that “raising a strong child is much easier than trying to fix a broken and weak man”, so we must start helping our children from an early age to strengthen character.
There may be no magic formula for raising children with strong and successful personalities, but some research has indicated that parents who raise children with strong and successful personalities as adults share the following points:
They involve their children in everyday household chores:
“If they don’t take out the trash by themselves or wash the dishes, that means someone else is doing the job for them,” says writer Julie Lythcott-Haims, and Jolie believes that children who grow up in homes share an achievement Their day-to-day business grows to be more cooperative employees with colleagues and responsible individuals.
Teach their children the necessary social skills early:
In a study, conducted over a period of 20 years by the University of Pennsylvania and Doc, involving more than 700 American students between kindergarten and 25 years of age, it was found that there is a strong relationship between children’s social abilities and their skills in communicating with others in a classroom.
Nursery and their ability to succeed and develop strong and confident personalities in work and education later in life.
They expect the best for their children:
Through a survey conducted in California on more than 6600 children, it was found that parents who draw big dreams for their children and make future plans for them that include entering the university and obtaining a higher education are the most likely to raise children with strong and confident personalities who want to fulfill their dreams and the dreams of their families!
Maintain strong family ties:
A study conducted at the University of Illinois in America indicated that children from families with divorced parents or families with many conflicts tend to be less successful and strong than those who grow up in families with strong ties and ties.
They have reached advanced stages in their education:
A study conducted at the University of Michigan in 2014 found that mothers who completed at least college or school education raise more successful and strong children.
They develop strong bonds with their children early:
A 2014 study found that caring for a child and developing a strong relationship with him feel that he is a concern in the first three years of his life affects him to grow up as a strong and successful person in work and education.
Their stress levels are low:
According to a study published in the Washington Post, the number of hours a mother spends with her child aged 3-11 may predict how successful and strong he will be when he grows up.
However, the mother’s exaggeration in caring for her child and her constant tension resulting from her attempt to find a balance between her family and her work may transfer her negative feelings to her child, causing adverse consequences.
According to studies conducted in Harvard, children of working mothers tend to get positions with 23% higher salaries when they grow up compared to children of non-workers, and they are more likely than their peers to help with daily housework and self-reliance.
Financial and Social Status:
According to researchers at Stanford University, children from non-poor families are most likely to obtain higher grades, have a better life and education, and develop personalities that are confident and strong.