Self-criticism, The importance in the reform of the individual and society

The types of criticism differ, and are numerous: According to the field that is subject to criticism and scrutiny; There is literary, artistic, political, and strategic criticism, especially self-criticism, as it was said in the past: (So-and-so is the criticism of dirhams). 


That is, distinguish between the good and the bad, and so-and-so criticizing people. That is, explain their faults, and through these meanings, the meaning of self-criticism becomes linguistically clear to us. 


As it means: knowing the good and bad things of man for himself. With the aim of improving its ugly, and activating the good from it.


Self-criticism is generally defined as: a human activity in which a person is able to look at himself with wisdom and rationality, searching for apparent and hidden defects in his features, behavior, beliefs, emotions, and ideas, provided that he remains a guide for himself, and continues in attempts to discover his own faults, and to discover their own faults. To correct it, and to invest all his energies.


The importance and impact of self-criticism

self-criticism In repairing the individual

The importance of self-criticism and its effectiveness grows with the extent to which its results are used in practical life, correcting mistakes by correcting them, and proceeding with confident steps towards a mature and straight path. 


Our talk about self-criticism, and its importance in reforming the individual and society. The self-criticism of the individual begins with observing the soul in its present and its past, preoccupying it with its mistakes from tracking people’s mistakes. 


To be able to hold them accountable and correct their course, with fairness, prudence, and comfort, for we have no purpose in accountability and reprimanding; Because the goal is to correct behavior and thought, and to raise the level of the human personality in all its dimensions.


It is worth noting that there is no escaping the challenges and difficulties encountered in the way of the great tasks. 


The difficulty of individual self-criticism is that it is one of the forms of facing failure, and here a person may fall into the trap of despair and surrender, and in order to reap the fruits of the experience of his self-criticism, he must first protect himself from falling into despair; So that it continues to march towards self-reform and development.


Note that in self-criticism there is an opportunity to be frank, and an experience of how true a person is with himself. 


Confronting a person’s desires, his desires, his weaknesses, and the moments of his failure is not an easy matter, and this leads him to acquire courage and insistence in assuming his self-responsibility, blocking the paths to frustration and procrastination. 


The extent of its influence on personal decisions, as it is imperative to be compassionate and soft in dealing with oneself in moments of anger, and in moments of blame; So that hope is not lost from the attempts, then the person becomes one of his own wrongdoing!

The importance of self-criticism in the reform of the individual and society

 In reforming society

No two differ on the extent of the difficulty of self-criticism and its effect on the individual, which may prevent him from going through this experience, and despite the promising results and experiences that prove that it is a profitable deal with the self, the experience of self-criticism for society seems more difficult and complex. 


This is due to its association with several main factors that are shared by members of society, its intellectuals, and its influential leaders; Culture and the media discourse directed at all peoples are factors that strongly influence the way society views its duties, rights, and the manner in which it deals with the challenges and situations that stand in its way. 


The increase in awareness, the culture of the society, and its urbanization, directly contribute to the understanding of the changes that occur to it, which contributes to its ability to deal with it at a civilized level commensurate with its cultural level.


Here the effort is focused on the cultural elite, opinion leaders working in society, and the style of speech directed at him by the media. If the speech is populist, it is dominated by the tone of mobilization, emotional charge, sectarian or tribal incitement, without reasonable justifications or proof. 


The case foretells a modest level of culture;

As the direction of society seems justified to the media, and its opinion leaders appear clear at the time.


And this situation disrupts the effectiveness of society, and its intellectual, productive and creative capacities, which adds to the task of self-criticism a burden that the educated bear in their independence from the wave of superficial mobilization, and their self-criticism. 


It also adds another burden to society, as this burden is to restore its faith in its being and its (disrupted) capabilities, so it has the responsibility of initiative. To present to the industry, and to struggle; To shape his future, in contrast to what was dictated to him.


 It is worth noting that narcissistic societies refuse to accept self-criticism. She believes that it is higher than evaluation and accountability, as if it has a share of infallibility, and it is strange that the less prestigious, cultured and civilized societies share with these societies their lack of acceptance of self-criticism, with the difference of motives. 


The latter does not accept self-criticism in its inability and indolence to act, confronting oneself, and losing the possibilities to regain the desired position for it, bearing in mind that accepting self-criticism and taking the initiative towards it is a sign of the civilization of society, and an indication of its readiness to restore its past, preserve its future, and advance. 


The self-criticism of society is the first sign of recovery that is not without some pain, and it is a sign of the integrity of the heart of society vibrant with its youth, its pioneers, and its free conscious media.


Read also: Self-criticism, what is self-criticism and its importance

Read also: Negative self-criticism and how to get rid of it?