Tips to make love last longer

Tips to make love last longer

Tips to make love last longer-Although there is no special magic formula to make love last longer, there are some essential ingredients for making love last.

1- Independence in certain activities: so that each one

separately from the other, performs activities that do not pose a threat to the relationship. This is to provide the opportunity and give the space necessary for the development of the human personality, which can contribute to the exchange between the two lovers and enrich each other with things that are not found in the other.

2- Set aside time to spend with your husband:

Intimate relationships should be nurtured and protected from the problems that result from the stress of a work schedule and it is important to strive to allocate time for the relationship.

3- A sense of humor:

Have to laugh together. Find the funny side of the other side. Considering some problems relative and trying to manage them better by searching for the positive side.

4- Act in a unified manner against external problems:

You should not think about differences, but gather energies to work together to confront an external problem. The main point for things to go well is not to forget sweet caresses and words despite the passage of time since your marriage. Support, encouragement, affection and a sense of security are needed. Thus, spouses become best friends, not just lovers.

Tips to make love last longer

5- Maintaining physical contact:

And by not stopping having sex, even in old age. These levels of physical contact must be maintained, such as kissing and hugging. And trying to renew the conditions when having sex. Also, romance should not be abandoned, because the magic formula in preserving love is to hit a date with your husband as if you were dating again. And to go on vacation to new places.

Tips to make love last longer

Mental compatibility: two parties cannot agree between them, and there is no mental harmony between them, and the levels of thinking differ between them, so we find a person thinking in one direction and the other carrying completely different ideas. There is a minimum of mental agreement that must be in place as a strong basis for a successful relationship.

The ability to overcome problems: every relationship carries within it many obstacles and problems that may cause disagreements, but it is true that there is a common agreement between the two parties to reach compromise solutions with which they can overcome these obstacles with the least amount of losses, and the disagreement between them does not cause a difference. And a big problem.